Page 3 - Welcome to Summer Fun
P. 3

cluded wherever possible.

                                                                  We  will  be  updating  and

                                                                  adding  to  the  guide

             Welcome to                                           throughout the summer.

          Summer Fun!                                               We would like to thank  all

                                                                  of  the  local  fair  directors

             There’s  Golf  outings                               and golf course managers

     and tournaments,  county                                     who provided the informa-

     fairs,        racing,  small  town                           tion  we  used  to  put  this

     celebrations                 and         a  host             guide together, and  a spe-

     of  events              you  can  enjoy                      cial  salute    to  our  sales

     to  celebrate  summer  at                                    rep,  Bonnie Rand.

     without  driving  very  far!                                       If you’d like information

     You’ll find all of the infor-                                on having your event listed

     mation  you  need  in  our                                   or  having  more  details

     Summer Fun Guide!                                            added  to  the  guide  just

            The  information  con-                                drop us an e-mail.  We’d

     tained here was current or                                   love  to  have  you!  The

     the best available at press                                  guide will continue to grow

     time.          Resources  to  find                           all summer.

     the latest and  most up to                                   Suzi Johnson, Editor

     date  information  are  in-                        
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